Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting can happen unexpectedly when your dog is feeling unwell or you may need to induce it if your dog has swallowed they shouldn't have. Today, our vets in East Setauket talk about the reasons for vomiting in dogs, when it might indicate a veterinary internal medicine condition.

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ACL Injury in Dogs

ACL Injury in Dogs

Injuries to the legs of your canine companion can happen easily as they are out and running around. In some cases, this can result in a torn CCL (cranial cruciate ligament or dog ACL). Here, our East Setauket vets talk about the signs of an ACL injury in dogs, how it will affect your pup, and what can be done to treat it.

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Giardia in Dogs

Giardia in Dogs

Giardiasis is a parasitic infection that can cause uncomfortable and potentially serious symptoms in dogs, especially when very young or old. Our East Setauket vets discuss Giardia in dogs, how dogs contract this parasite, and what can be done to prevent infection.

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Leptospirosis in Cats

Leptospirosis in Cats

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can easily be contracted while your cat is out and about in the world. Here, our East Setauket vets discuss the signs, symptoms and spread of leptospirosis in cats and what to expect through the treatment process.

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Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Cats can experience a number of urinary tract issues. Some of which are more common than others. Here, our East Setauket vets talk about the causes of urinary tract infections and feline lower urinary tract disease in cats, the symptoms to watch for and what to expect with recovery.

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Gingivitis in Cats - Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Gingivitis in Cats - Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

When cats don't receive the appropriate care for their teeth, the risk of oral health issues greatly increases. Our vets talk about the importance of cat dental care and how our cat dentistry services in East Setauket can help prevent conditions like gingivitis. 

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Bladder Infection in Dogs

Bladder Infection in Dogs

Dogs can experience a number of urinary tract concerns, one such condition is bladder infections. Today, our East Setauket vets talk about the signs and symptoms of bladder infections in dogs and how these issues can be treated.

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My Cat Keeps Vomiting: Should I Be Worried?

My Cat Keeps Vomiting: Should I Be Worried?

Sometimes cats throw up, and while there's usually nothing to worry about, certain situations, such as repeat events, should be brought to the attention of a vet. Our East Setauket veterinarians talk about why your cat keeps vomiting and when you should seek emergency veterinary care.

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Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Why is my Cat Breathing Heavy & What Can I Do

Day after day your cat goes about their business, nothing unusual to note until one day, they walk by panting. This can be concerning and lead you to wonder 'Why is my cat breathing heavy?'. Our East Setauket vets offer some insight into cats breathing heavy and what you should do when it happens.

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Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

Dogs Eating Grass: Why Do They Do It And Is It Safe?

You are walking along with your dog enjoying the sunshine when it happens. They find a nice patch of green grass and start chomping away. While this can be quite common, is it actually safe for our furry friends? Our East Setauket vets talk about why dogs eat grass and if it is actually safe for them to do so.

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